The Streets of Winter is a fast-paced, intricately crafted novel of life in the city. The characters find in Montreal the anonymity they crave, bartering their identities for the chance to reinvent themselves. Scrupulously plotted, rich in cultural detail and alive with Montreal’s many voices and accents, The Streets of Winter is an absorbing novel about life in modern urban Canada.
The Streets of Winter
ISBN: 9781894345767 Categories: Fiction, Literary
About the Author
Stephen Henighan is the author of three previous novels, including The Streets of Winter, and the short story collections, North of Tourism and A Grave in the Air. His book on literary criticism, When Words Deny the World was widely read and reviewed. He has more than 45 short story publications in magazines and anthologies in Canada, the United States, Great Britain and Europe. Henighan writes an influential column on culture for Geist magazine. His journalism has appeared in The Globe and Mail, The Times Literary Supplement, The Walrus, Toronto Life, Guernica, The Quarterly Conversation and The Literary Review of Canada. He has been a finalist for the Governor General’s Award, the Canada Prize in the Humanities, McNally-Robinson’s Fiction Prize, National Magazine Award, and Western Magazine Award. He lives in Guelph, Ontario, where he teaches Spanish-American literature at the University of Guelph.
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