a beautiful rebellion

Author: Rita Bouvier
ISBN: 9781771872348 Categories: Poetry, Canadian, Indigenous Tags: , , ,
Publication Date: 10 April, 2023
Dimensions: 6 x 8.62"

This evocative new poetry collection speaks with a fierce tenderness of many aspects of the poet’s life: a childhood spent on the banks of the Churchill River, the death of a beloved one, the struggle to try to find forgiveness for wrongs done and the weariness of trying to redress those wrongs. And, most poignantly, a beautiful rebellion reaches one hand back to Louis Riel and one hand forward to future Metis generations.

The poems navigate losses that we all suffer when the world of our childhoods has altered irrevocably; they reveal the pain caused by residential schools and share despair at the lack of progress in social justice and self-determination. Rita Bouvier’s work is intimate and insightful, written in inviting, open-hearted language that includes many Cree and Michif phrases and their translation.

A quiet power — riverine, deep, unstoppable — flows through these poems.

About the Author

Rita Bouvier is a Métis writer and educator from Saskatchewan. Her third book of poetry, nakamowin’sa for the seasons (Thistledown Press, 2015) was the 2016 Saskatchewan Book Awards winner of the Rasmussen, Rasmussen & Charowsky Aboriginal Peoples’ Writing Award. Rita’s poetry has appeared in literary anthologies, print and online journals, musicals, and television productions, and has been translated into Spanish, German and the Cree-Michif of her home community of sakitawak, Île-à-la-Crosse, situated on the historic trading and meeting grounds of Cree and Dene people.


Praise for a beautiful rebellion:

“Ayinîsowin tahkonam awa Bouvier Iskwêw
wisdom she carries this Bouvier woman
î kiskinohamâkoya ta kiskisiya, ta pîtsâpahtama
ta osihtamâsoya miyo nôtin’kêwin
as she teaches us to look back so we can see
ahead to make that beautiful rebellion.

Kawîcîwânaw we will go with her.”
—Maria Campbell, award-winning author and filmmaker

And when I say me, writes Rita Bouvier, I mean us. In this gentle, powerful, radical collection, the poet brings us along on car rides and canoe journeys, searching the skies, meeting her relatives, tasting favourite foods, reliving poignant moments, while synthesizing our histories and the incoming news. Alongside the naming of plants, birds, and waterways, she gives us a much-needed glossary of love. She gives us the moon.”—Joanne Arnott, author of Halfling Spring, A Night for the Lady, and Mother Time

“. . . joyful, exclamatory, uncynical poems that don’t shy from the imperative to really look, to commune, to tend toward love. The poems are a generous, multilingual response to art, family, community, Land and politics that rely on crystal clear images to advance the notion that ‘as long as we have more to enjoy / than another we have responsibility / to lift each other.’”—The Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild’s John V. Hicks Prize Jury

Praise for Rita Bouvier’s previous collection, nagamowin’sa for the seasons:

“The transitions of the seasons, as sung by Rita Bouvier, are as graceful as the movement of shorebirds. Within these luminescent poems she creates an environment for us to portage our history and desire. She gives us songs to hold our hearts. And in so doing she brings us together in ceremony, in wahkotowin; she connects us as family.”—Gregory Scofield, Poet and author of Kipocihkân: Poems New and Selected, Louis: The Heretic Poems, and Witness, I Am.

Read an Excerpt

Read an excerpt of a beautiful rebellion: a beautiful rebellion_excerpt


2024 Saskatchewan Book Awards Indigenous Peoples’ Writing Award
2024 Saskatchewan Book Awards Poetry Award

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